Obesity is one amongst the major health problems in this modern world thanks to the sedentary lifestyle and habits man had inculcated over the last few decades. It is predominant metabolic disorder because of increased body fat, which is described as Sthoulya in Ayurveda. It may be measured by weight and body mass index (BMI). BMI can be calculated by dividing patient’s weight in kilogram with person’s height in square metre.

BMI ranges in Adults

Acceptable range            :   18.5-24.9

Overweight                     :   25.0-29.9

Obese                               :   30.0-39.9

Morbidly obese              :   over 40

Several factors such as sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, junk food culture, intermittent snacking, urbanization, psychological factors along with genetic predisposition play a major role in causing obesity or Sthoulya. Unhealthy food is the major villain for causing obesity. Obesity is commonly a result of consuming more calories than that are burned by physical activities like exercise and normal daily activities. The excessive body fat increases the risk of serious health problems. A current world health study claims that obesity is included among the top ten selected risk to health. People are merely gulping down so many things at a time but never getting enough nutrition in the process.  With the hope of shedding the additional kilos gained, many a times we resort to extreme diets and starving leaving more bereft of energy than before. Ayurveda, emphasizes food as the major medicine, but not many folks are tuned into what should be included of us are aware of what should be included in our diet to remain healthy and to stay healthy and to confirm healthy weight loss.

Ayurveda advocates inclusion of Shami dhanya (pulses) for healthy weight loss.

Some of these foods can be included in your meal on a regular basis to cut back the surplus fat

Shimbi Dhanya (Pulses) for weight loss

According to Ayurveda, grains (Dhanya) that are found inside the pods is referred to as shimbi dhanya or legumes. Generally Shimbi dhanya are having Madhura (sweet) and Kashaya (astringent) taste.  It is   having dry quality and Sita (cold)   in potency.  It possess   Katu vipaka (pungent taste after digestion), it will pacify Kapha and Pitta but  slightly  increases Vata,  also Mutrala(diuretic)

  • Mudga/ Phaseous mungo / Green gram

Among the legumes green gram is considered as the superior one and also included under nityasevana (indicated for regular usage) drugs. It is astringent and sweet in taste, pungent in vipaka, ununctuous, cold in potency, light and non-slimy. It alleviates the vitiated kapha and pitta. It is very light thereby easy to digest and wholesome. Green gram lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar level and aids in healthy weight loss.

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