Ayurveda in conjunct with a healthy lifestyle, ingestion of nutritious food, yoga, pranayama may be employed efficiently to improve health and vitality of nerves in our body

It aims to address the underlying root cause of nervous disorders, rather than merely focus on symptomatic reliefs

Nerve weakness or palsy refers to anything from weakness to complete paralysis and commonly manifests any kind of nerve damage. Occasionally it is transient and fades with time. However if not resolved with time, it is presumed to be a serious issue and needs to be handled carefully

Nerve problems neuropathies are considered to be vata disease in the indian traditional school of medicine. Vata is regarded as one of the three constitutional groupings known as doshas, is associated with the wind and is primarly responsible for activation of the nervous system. Vata is revered as ‘ prana ‘ the most powerful doshas.

In ayurveda, people associated with vata dosha are more prone to neurogenic conditions such as neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disorders, insomnia and anxiety. Ayurvedic medicine for nerve strength primarily comprises of formulation of vatha harana herbs which improve blood circulation and nerve function

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