Migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recureent attacks. The economic and societal burden of migraine is substantially, affecting patients ‘quality of life in terms of work social activities and family life

Migraine is correlated to ‘ardhavabledaka’ in ayurveda and is mainly caused due to the imbalance in the tridodhas namely vata, pitta and kapha doshas

The exact cause of migraine is not well known but genetics and environmental issues plays an important role

In ayurveda, it is often referred to be caused by a pitta – vata imbalance. An imbalance in the hot pitta dosha manifests as a burning, searing, sharp pain which can be associated with visual sensations and light sensitivity often excerbrrated by heat. Migraines may be triggered by eye strains from using computers, watching television, excess mobile use, digestive imbalances, accumulation of digestive toxins, exposure to environmental pollution, excess stress, anger, frustration and mood swings

Treatment for migraine in ayurveda is not for the disease itself. It addresses the particular condition of disease of the individual

Panchakarma treatments are widely used and recommended for treating migraine. Treatment may include therapies, herbal medicines and a diet/ lifestyle program. In chronic migraine, toxic material will get deposited in the head and can affect the function of the different sense organs. This then can produce sensitivity to light, sound and odour and mood swings

Panchakarma helps to remove these toxins and helps to strengthen the nerve system. Special treatments like sirodhara, shirobyanga sirovasti etc helps to nourish the nervous system and thereby, the action of vata is normalised

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