According to Ayurveda, menstrual blood or rajah is a by-product of lymph or rasa dhatu.  Our rasa is affected by what and how we consume.  With a healthy cycle, blood will be bright red in color, and bleeding lasts around 5 days.  It has no foul odor and the quantity is not too great nor too little. Any other discharge, pain, mood swings, cravings or heavy bleeding are signs of an imbalance

Imbalances will be caused by an excess of any particular dosha.  A vata individual may be more prone to vata symptoms but that’s not always the case.  A vata individual with a strong pitta imbalance may experience a more pitta cycle. Each individual’s experience will reflect their prakruti or birth constitution and their vikruti or imbalances. 

Vata Dosha
A vata cycle will typically be on the lighter side in terms of flow.  Blood may be darker, more of a reddish brown or even black

Pitta Dosha
A pitta cycle will tend towards heavier bleeding and a feeling of heat around the cycle

Kapha Dosha
A kapha cycle will tend towards excess water or bloating, and a feeling of heaviness. 

In Ayurveda, this blood letting or rakta moksha is seen as an important detoxification process Ayurveda has proven to be much helpful in regulating the menstrual cycles. According to certain studies, Ayurveda came in rather handy while tackling PCOS, a disease distressing 1 in 3 women today. It is certain that Ayurvedic medicines for irregular periods work better in certain scenarios and definitely have fewer risks in comparison to allopathic medicines and surgeries.

Over a period of time, they have proven much more beneficial in overcoming the irregular menses and the irritation along with the accompanying pain and PMS symptoms

As we can see, the treatment of irregular periods in Ayurveda is available. Irregular periods, although are faced by a large chunk of women, pose different symptoms for different people and hence individualised treatment is advised

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