The art of meditation runs along side the art of yoga, both focussed on breathing, finding inner calmness and rebalancing your senses internally. Both of these practices are strongly rooted in the ancient holistic lifestyle practice of ayurveda

In a stimulated and turbulent world, meditation is a way out to bring better control and focus to our lives. Meditation is not something which can be mastered overnight, but an art form which can be honed over a period with practice to yield results

It is an art which allows you to be present in the moment, aware of your physical and emotional feelings, to make you better to be in tune with the body and mind, achieving a sense of contentment and relaxation

Meditation is so unique to each individual and can be adapted to a person’s comfort level and prefernce. Meditation basically begins by sitting in a quiet place with your eyes closed, mind relaxed, calm and focussing on your breathing. This stillness slowly of your mind and body and the focus on breathing all distractions, nagging and negative thoughts to leave our mind, leaving us with authentic and positive thoughts and feelings

In ayurveda, your ayurvedic body type or constitution can reflect your unique dosha. The way each dosha thinks and feels all vary and is very much reflected when you are in a meditative state

The vata dosha is airy. With this type of ayurvedic body, you will likely be more creative and imaginative. When it comes to ayurvedic meditation, you find your thoughts wandering and gets easily distracted

In pitta dosha type ayurvedic body, you may find it difficult to stay still during ayurvedic meditation. The pitta dosha person is a goal oriented, energised, driven and determined. They find it difficult to to be doing nothing or staying still

In kapha dosha persons, meditation comes easiest to these type of ayurvedic body’s. With their doshas connected to the earth, they are easily grounded and can find stillness

Meditation is beneficial for all doshas ( vata, pitta and kapha ) year around, but is especially pertinent when at this time of the year, when we refocus on our goals and clear the clutter within and without. Meditation practice helps free the mind of old, disturbing, unhelpful thoughts, expanding awareness

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