Tridoshas And Their Variation

Tridoshas are the fundamental units of our body and their equilibrium and imbalance leads to health and disease respectively. Even though the tridosha theory calls for the balanced state in a healthy individual, there happens to be variation at different levels which is considered normal.

The variations happen with:

  • Age
  • Time of Day
  • Time of Night

There is the dominance of either one of the doshas over the others with respect to different conditions. The understanding of the variation of these forces helps to tune into the natural rhythms of life and in diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases.

The variations are as follows:

  • Age

Age can be categorized as childhood, adulthood, and old age

In childhood – Kapha is the predominant dosa and often we find kids afflicted with diseases of Kapha dosha like Pinasa.

In adulthood– Pitta is the dominant dosha and this category of people seemingly suffers from pitta disorders like Amlapitta.

In old age– Vata is the predominant dosha which is more than evident with Vata disorders like pakshagata sandhigata Vata etc. affecting this category of people.

  • Time of Day

Morning – The predominance of kapha (approximately 6 am to 10 am). It is advisable to wake up before this period as the qualities of kapha as in sluggishness may be bound to us.

Afternoon – The predominance of pitta (approximately from 10 am to 2 pm) This is the time when Agni is teekshna and also the heat outside is more Thereby always advisable for pitta Prakriti individuals to not engage in vigorous activities or exposure to more heat which in turn may lead to skin rashes indigestion etc.

Evening – The predominance of vata (2 pm to 6 pm) The dosha is always in a tendency to get vitiated and hence required to absorb methods to pacify it.

  • Time of Night

Early night (6 pm to 10 pm)

Kapha dominance – There is heaviness and sluggishness associated hence the best time to go to bed.

Midnight (10 pm to 2 am)

Pitta dominates again-This is the time when the Agni calls for us to have a late-night binge but always best to stay away from late-night eats for the betterment of our health.

Late night (2 am to 6 am)

Vata predominance -This is the time of maximum purity and calmness in the surroundings and is often referred to as the best time for waking up, meditating, learning doing yoga and pranayama, etc.

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