Anaemia is called PANDU in Ayurveda. The pathology of anaemia finds its roots in the imbalance of agni, the digestive fire, which eventually leads to the formation of ama. This disruption is caused by pitta that is circulated around the body by aggravated Vata

In Sanskrit ‘ pandutya ‘ means whitish colouration. It can be caused by Non – nutritious diet, weak digestive fire, malnutrition or loss of blood, deficiency of Iron, thyroxine, Vitamins, toxins, congenital structural abnormalities and other underlying serious diseases

Common symptoms are loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, giddiness, swellings around eyes, white and pale tints on Nails, skin and eyes, palpitations, sleeplessness etc

There are many types of anemia like Aplastic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, Vitamin deficiency anemia, sickle cell anemia etc

This is a condition characterised by low haemoglobin content in the blood. This can be due to the vitation of any of the three doshas and sometimes all three doshas are vitiated

One of the panchakarma suggested for pandu roga is mridu virechana which is done after pre treatment with snehana ( oleation ) and snehapana ( consuming oil or ghee )

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