Ayurveda is an ancient practice of health care which has been mentioned in the most respected and revered scriptures of veda more than 5000 years ago. History stands testimony to the fact that kerala has clung on to the traditions of ayurveda and still practice it in its full glory for the the well being of mankind

Ayurveda means ” science of life ” as it focuses on the practices which enhance the well being and longevity of humans.It has 8 specialized branches which are similar to the 8 branches just like in western medicine practice

Those ashtavaidyas were the ones who took the difficult and intriguing task of interpreting the scriptures of the atharva veda, collecting, compiling and organising the information into what we call ” ayurveda”.

The ashtavaidyas lived in and around kerala, probably because of the abundance of natural herbs, trees and medicinal flora and also because of the climatic condition in kerala, god’s own country was very much congenial for ayurvedic treatments

The medicinal culture propounded by the ashtavaidyas flourished from the 13th century to the 17th century, when they also enjoyed the patronage of the various rulers . The knowledge of sanskrit, poetry, grammar and drama was very much necessary to understand the intricacies of the complex subject

Only after the rigorous training did the disciples become accomplished ashtavaidyas Kerala hence enjoys a unique cultural history and has been a guiding star in ayurveda since ages

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