AVP Research Foundation




+91 9790422100

AVP Research Foundation (AVPRF), a pioneer Ayurveda research institute in Coimbatore, India, is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by taking successful measures to reestablish Ayurveda in mainstream healthcare. AVPRF has put forth a lot of effort into doing in-depth multi-disciplinary and collaborative research in Ayurveda. We have developed innovative and effective Ayurveda disease management protocols and formulations for personalized and holistic Ayurveda therapy. To make practice based Evidence in Ayurveda healthcare solutions available to the general public, we have established speciality Ayurveda clinics and extensive community outreach programs globally.

Rather than force-fitting Ayurveda into modern research approaches, AVPRF works to develop appropriate research methodologies that address the complexity of Ayurvedic treatments that seek to integrate the individual’s body, mind, and soul to promote healing. AVP Research Foundation is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. AVPRF is a subsidiary of The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. AVPRF also provides specialized Ayurveda Education and actively conducts Ayurveda text-based learning conferences and workshops.

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Ayurveda: The AVP Research Foundation Journey

AVP Research Foundation, based in Coimbatore, India, stands as a beacon of Ayurvedic excellence, revolutionizing healthcare through research and practice. Established with a pioneering vision, the foundation is dedicated to rediscovering Ayurveda’s relevance in modern healthcare.

Personalized Ayurvedic Treatment

Personalized medicine is a paradigm that has existed for as long as people have been practising medicine. From Charaka to Hippocrates, everyone has used a customized approach to treat a broad spectrum of diseases. Personalized medicine can play a pivotal role in this changing scenario of the global health management system through the effective integration of omics. The personalized treatment is offered on the basis of Dasha Vidha Pariksha. According to this, the patient is examined in respect of prakruti (constitution of the body), vikruti (pathological examination), sara (examination of elemental tissue & mind), samhanam (examination of compactness of body), pramana(measurement), satmya (suitability), sattva (examination of the mental constitution), aaharashakti (examination of digestive power), vyayamashakti (examination of strength by exercise), and vaya (examination of age).

A broad spectrum of traditional medical systems in Ayurveda are providing solutions to a range of complex medical conditions. One of the noted among those traditional treatments is the Panchakarma treatment. Panchakarma treatment is an Ayurvedic treatment classified as an elimination or purgation therapy. An intensive and purifying course of treatment is offered in our Panchakarma treatment centre in Coimbatore, India at its highest quality. Panchakarma consists of five types of treatment to cleanse the body of toxins, restoring it to a state of purity and balance.

Specialized Clinics for Comprehensive Care

The foundation hosts specialized clinics covering diverse medical disciplines, including Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, Eye Clinic, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Musculoskeletal Clinic, Surgical & Anorectal Clinic, Paediatric Clinic, and Post COVID Clinic. Each clinic offers tailored care and treatments to address individual needs.

Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Clinic:

AVP Research Foundation’s Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Clinic provides comprehensive care for diabetes and related conditions. With a focus on natural herbal medicines and treatment, the clinic offers personalized solutions for managing diabetes and preventing its long-term complications. Expert doctors and a strong traditional background ensure effective management of all diabetes-related problems.

NETRA – Eye Clinic:

NETRA, AVP Research Foundation’s Eye Clinic, specializes in safe and efficacious management of various eye diseases based on traditional healing methods. With a multidisciplinary team of experts, the clinic offers personalized treatment for conditions like diabetic retinopathy, cataract, glaucoma, and more. Integrated practice combines leading-edge research with personalized eye care, ensuring unparalleled treatment outcomes.

GOTRA – Gynecology and Obstetrics:

GOTRA, AVP Research Foundation’s Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, provides holistic care for women’s health from menarche to menopause. With a focus on traditional Ayurvedic regimens and specialized treatments, the clinic addresses menstrual disorders, infertility, menopausal issues, fibroids, and more. Expert doctors ensure comprehensive care tailored to individual needs.

Musculoskeletal Clinic:

AVP Research Foundation’s Musculoskeletal Clinic offers personalized Ayurvedic treatment for various musculoskeletal and rheumatological diseases. With evidence-based practice and a multidisciplinary team of experts, the clinic provides unparalleled care for conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, and osteoporosis. Internal and external medication ensures effective disease management.

SASTRA – Surgical and Anorectal Clinic:

SASTRA, AVP Research Foundation’s Surgical and Anorectal Clinic, specializes in Ayurvedic surgical and para-surgical procedures for conditions like fistula, piles, fissure, and varicose veins. Integrating classical Ayurvedic techniques with modern practices, the clinic offers swift relief for acute pain and sports injuries. Prompt diagnosis and proper care ensure optimal treatment outcomes.

PUTRA – Paediatrics Clinic:

PUTRA, AVP Research Foundation’s Paediatrics Clinic, focuses on comprehensive child health care based on Ayurvedic principles. With specialized treatments for neonatal and paediatric disorders, the clinic provides Panchakarma treatments and traditional techniques for nourishing and protecting children. Expert child specialists ensure effective management of various childhood disorders.

Post COVID Clinic:

AVP Research Foundation’s Post COVID Clinic offers holistic care for individuals experiencing persistent symptoms after recovering from COVID-19. With a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, and health experts, the clinic provides self-management strategies and therapies to alleviate post-COVID symptoms and improve overall functionality. Ayurvedic care ensures comprehensive follow-up care for post-COVID recovering patients.

Panchakarma: Purification for Balance

The foundation’s Panchakarma treatment center offers intensive purification therapies aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and restoring balance, showcasing Ayurveda’s profound healing potential.

Leadership and Legacy

Under the guidance of Dr. P.R. Krishna Kumar, a stalwart in the field of Ayurveda, AVP Research Foundation has achieved numerous milestones since its inception in 1977. Dr. Krishna Kumar’s pioneering research, global collaborations, and establishment of clinical documentation programs reflect the foundation’s commitment to advancing Ayurvedic healthcare.

Towards a Healthier Future

With a rich legacy of research, education, and clinical expertise, AVP Research Foundation continues to lead the way in integrating Ayurveda into mainstream healthcare. Its mission offers hope and healing to people worldwide, heralding a new era of holistic wellness.

AVP Research Foundation


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