Sleep is a natural phenomenon in which we rest and restore our mind and body. But sleepless nights and days are really headache to some people. Some people go to bed but cannot fall asleep, while others wake up at night and cannot resume sleep. Insomnia is the condition of sleeplessness. When it persists over extended periods of time, the consequences can be debilitating and devastating. The Ayurvedic approach to insomnia is to re-establish balance throughout the body and restore the natural sleep-wake cycle. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, most of the chronic conditions, including insomnia, are triggered by a build-up of impurities in the body. Poor diet, weak digestion, excessively busy lifestyle, and too much stress can generate toxins and impair our body’s ability to get rid of them. Accumulated toxins interfere with our biochemistry and disturb our metabolism, including sleep functions.
We are providing
14 or 21-day Treatments can include
Treatments Includes:
Taila Dhaara
Ksheera Vasti
Yoga Session
Lifestyle & Diet
As Ayurveda treatments are highly personalized, the exact treatments and medicines could only be finalized after a detailed consultation with the doctor.The treatments given may vary according to the body constitution and requirements of the individual. Through Ayurveda treatments a healthy mind and body can restore the sleep also.