Jeevess Ayurveda Resort

Jeevess Ayurveda Resort



+91 9288004402
+91 4936215215

Jeevess Ayurveda hospital a truly unique and exotic fruit garden within its property, showcasing over 200 varieties of both native and exotic fruit trees. The selection ranges from the locally grown Wayanadan Jackfruit to the Mediterranean-origin Olive. Each fruit is meticulously treated based on its quality, taste, and, notably, its high medicinal value. These fruits can be seamlessly incorporated into dietary plans prescribed by doctors during treatments at Jeevess. One intriguing aspect of the fruit garden is the alphabetical order in which fruit trees are planted in front of the cottages, spanning from Avocado to Pulosan. For instance, there are 16 types of guavas, 8 types of chikoos, 3 varieties of watery rose apple, as well as diverse jackfruits, mangoes, and cherries.

In the realm of Ayurvedic medicine, Jeevess emphasizes the significance of Oushada, or treatment, as a crucial element in health and disease management. The establishment of Jeevess Bheshajagara, a 3200 square feet medicine manufacturing unit, adheres to Ayurvedic principles and employs skilled experts to oversee the process. Raw drugs for medicine preparation are primarily sourced from the garden, demonstrating a commitment to using locally available resources. The integration of traditional fermentation practices for Arishtam further underscores Jeevess’ dedication to preserving and enhancing Ayurvedic traditions.

Living Space

  • Single Cottages
  • Twin Cottages
  • Annex Cottages


Jeevess offers a diverse range of specialized treatments, each contributing to holistic well-being. From the comprehensive approach of Jeevess Chikitsa addressing various health issues to the traditional Kalari healing practices of Jeevess Kalari Chikitsa, the treatments encompass physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. Jeevess Youvana focuses on rejuvenation and vitality, tailoring Ayurvedic therapies for a youthful and energetic life. Weight management finds its place in Jeevess Lekhaneeyam, emphasizing a healthy body composition through Ayurvedic practices. Lastly, Jeevess Prana centers around the life force, incorporating breathwork, meditation, and Ayurvedic techniques to enhance vitality and overall wellness. This comprehensive array of treatments reflects Jeevess’ commitment to providing a holistic and integrated approach to health.

Jeevess Ayurveda Resort


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