Heart Diseases

Heart Diseases




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Traditional Ayurvedic medications along with diet control and exercises are very effective to prevent Heart diseases without surgical intervention. Exercise ,good diet and a proper mechanism can play a positive role in your overall heart health. If you fall under KAPHAPRARITHI( water element) ,then you are more at the risk of suffering from Heart diseases that are characterized by accumulation of fats ( Lipids ) and Calcium in the Arteries or degenerated blood vessels . If you belong to VATA PRAKRITHI , then you are at high risk of suffering from heart diseases that are manifested by changes in the heart rate or pain in heart .If you belong to PITTA PRAKRITHI ( Fire element ), you are prone to Heart diseases that is indicated by swelling of the heart muscle with or without inflammation .Ayurveda medicines for heart blockage is highly effective and beneficial .Not only does it help with the treatment , it also has no side effects compared to other medications .They are highly safe and can help improve the blood flow and the health of the health and blood vessels , thus avoiding a surgical procedure

One of the Established procedure and method practised in Ayurveda ” PANCHAKARMA ” effectively reduces weight and improves metabolism, both of which play an important role in saving your heart. The sticky toxins accumulated in the arteries and veins are removed and the blood vessels regain their elasticity thus improving the blood supply to the heart.

The ancient texts of Ayurveda describe thirteen internal bodily channels that are present in both men and women. Of those, three are rooted in the heart. This alone is striking because it is relatively rare for the physical location of distinct channels to overlap. But when we consider that these three channels in particular are among the only ones that permeate the entire physical body, the significance of the heart becomes even more apparent. In essence, the Ayurvedic texts reveal that the heart is intimately connected to every cell and tissue throughout the body—three different times through three distinct channels. The heart is also the root of an important set of subtle energetic pathways described in the Vedic texts—the ten great vessels (which happen to be intimately connected to mano vaha srotas and rasa vaha srotas. As we have seen, the ten great vessels link the heart to all seven chakras, but it shares a much more direct connection with the heart chakra (anahata chakra). Energetically, the heart chakra is seen as an intersection between inner and outer worlds, and as a bridge to higher consciousness. This As we have seen, the ten great vessels link the heart to all seven chakras, but it shares a much more direct connection with the heart chakra (anahata chakra). Energetically, the heart chakra is seen as an intersection between inner and outer worlds, and as a bridge to higher consciousness. This As we have seen, the ten great vessels link the heart to all seven chakras, but it shares a much more direct connection with the heart chakra (anahata chakra). Energetically, the heart chakra is seen as an intersection between inner and outer worlds, and as a bridge to higher consciousness.


When it comes to heart health, the ancient texts emphasize the importance of calming the mind, practicing non-violence, maintaining mental health and happiness, conserving vital energy, and controlling the senses.5 As the energetic hub that it is, the heart is deeply affected by just about every aspect of our lives. Subtle therapies can be a powerful means of positively influencing the mind, the nervous system, and our overall state of consciousness. Because it is such a critically important physical and energetic crossroads in the body, the heart is deeply supported by a diverse range of therapeutic strategies. Ayurveda teaches us that healthy organs and tissues are the natural outcome of optimal health—which depends on robust agni, a healthy diet, a supportive lifestyle, a balanced nervous system, as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Heart Diseases


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