- Ayurvedam4you, Thrissur, Kerala
INDIA + 91 9447041889
Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest, and pleasure, feeling of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep, poor appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Depression not only prevents one from enjoying life as it could be, but it also takes a heavy toll on death. Untreated depression poses serious risks for people including illness, alcohol, drug abuse, and even suicide. Nowadays depression can be spotted in every age group.
1. Family history
2. Trauma and stress
3. Personality with low self-esteem and a negative outlook
4. Medical illnesses
5. Medications
6. Psychological disorders
7. Living alone also can result in depression
Clinical features
1. Mood variations; often worse in the morning, improving later in the day
2. Change in sleeping, eating habits, or appetite
3. Weight gain or weight loss
4. Feeling of guilt and/ or hopelessness
5. Slowed thoughts, speech, and movement
6. Negative thoughts, blaming self and low self-esteem, thoughts of death/suicide.
7. Complaints that have no physical cause (somatic complaints) such as unexplained aches and pains.
8. Short temper, the feeling of anxiety
9. Tearfulness for no reason, unrealistic sense of failure
10. Lack of concentration and difficulty in making decisions
11. Feeling of loneliness
12. Reduced desire for sex etc. are some of the signs and symptoms
Management approaches: Preventive therapy has the main role in depression disorder.
a. Prevention
1. Use of fiber-rich food like whole grams, whole fruits, fresh vegetables, Amla
(Phyllanthus emblica Gartn.) is beneficial.
2. Keep active physically and mentally and conduct exercise regularly.
3. Avoidance of loneliness by engaging in social activities.
4. Continuance of medications as per instructions of vaidya.
5. Practice yogasnas and meditation
6. Avoidance of uncalled-for excessive thinking
7. Regular counseling
b. Ayurveda Medical management
1. Nidana parivarjana (avoidance of aetiological factors)
2. Shodhana chikitsa (Bio-cleansing therapies)
3. Samana chikitsa
- Ayurvedam4you, Thrissur, Kerala
- 680010
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